Пеногазобетон: Пеногазобетон | это… Что такое Пеногазобетон?
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—AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES—-agricultural chemistry—-agriculture—-Agro-soil science and agrophysics—-agronomy—-Animal husbandry—-Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology—-Breeding and breeding animals—-Crop—-Entomology—-Forest management and forest taxation—-Forest plantations and phytomelioration—-forestry—-Forestry and silviculture—-fruit-growing—-General agriculture, crop production—-Grassland and meadows—-herbology—-Land reclamation, reclamation and protection of land—-phytopathology—-pisciculture—-Seed production—-Selection and seed production of agricultural plants—-subtropical plants—-Technology of production of livestock products—-Vegetable gardening—-viticulture—ANOTHER—ARCHITECTURE—-Composition of agricultural settlements—-The architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activities—-Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural h—-Urban planning and landscape architecture—ART—-Art—-Cinematography. TV—-Decorative and Applied Arts—-Histrionics—-Museology; storage of artistic values and architectural notes—-musical Art—-Technical Aesthetics and Design—-Theory and History of Art—BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES—-Anthropology—-Biochemistry—-Biological resources—-Biophysics—-Biotechnology—-Botany—-Cryobiology—-Cytology, cellular biology, histology—-Developmental biology, embryology—-Ecology—-Entomology—-Genetics—-Hydrobiology—-Ichthyology—-Immunology—-Introduction and acclimatization—-Mathematical biology, bioinformatics—-Microbiology—-Molecular Biology—-Molecular genetics—-Mycology—-Parasitology—-Pedology—-Physiology—-Plant Physiology and Biochemistry—-Protistology—-Radiobiology—-Virology—-Zoology—CHEMICAL SCIENCES—-analytical chemistry—-Bioorganic chemistry—-catalysis—-Chemistry of Organoelement Compounds—-chromatography—-Colloid Chemistry and Physicochemical Mechanics—-electrochemistry—-High Energy Chemistry—-inorganic chemistry—-Mathematical and Quantum Chemistry—-organic chemistry—-Petrochemical and Coal—-physical chemistry—-Polymer Science—-radiochemistry—-Solid State Chemistry—CULTURAL—-Applied Cultural Studies—-Museology, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects—-Theory and History of Culture—-Ukrainian culture—EARTH SCIENCES—-Aerospace Research of the Earth, photogrammetry—-cartography—-Construction and operation of neftegazovodov, depots and warehouses—-Design of mining-technical systems—-Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields—-Economic, Social and Political Geography—-Engineering geology, frozen and ground—-General and regional geology—-Geochemistry, Geochemical Methods of Prospecting for Mineral Resources—-geodesy—-Geoecology—-Geoinformatics—-Geology, prospecting and exploration of deposits of solid fossil fuels—-Geomechanics, destruction of rocks by explosion—-Geomorphology and Evolutionary Geography—-Geophysics, geophysical methods of searches of minerals—-Geotechnology (underground, open and construction)—-Glaciology and Earth criology—-hydrogeology—-Hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry—-Land administration, cadastre and land monitoring—-lithology—-Meteorology, Climatology, Agrometeorology—-Mine aerogasdynamics and mountain thermophysics—-Mine and the geometry of the subsoil—-Mineral—-Mineralogy, crystallography—-Mining and petroleum geology—-oceanology—-Paleontology—-Physical Geography and Biogeography—-Soil Geography and Landscape Geochemistry—-Technology and engineering exploration—-Technology development of offshore fields—-Technology of drilling and development wells—-Volcanology—ECONOMIC SECURITY—-Economic security of subjects of economic activity—-Economic security of the state—ECONOMICS—-Accounting, analysis and audit—-Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness—-construction Economics—-economic theory—-Economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity)—-Economics and Management of National Economy—-Economics and management of scientific and technical progress—-Economics of nature management and environmental protection—-Economics of Population and demography—-Economics of standardization and quality control—-Economics of Transport and Communications—-Economics regions economy—-Economy business—-Finance, money circulation and credit—-global economy—-History of Economic Thought—-industrial Economics—-labor Economics—-Land management—-logistics—-Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics—-Of productive forces and the regional economy—-organization of production—-Planning and Organization of Industrial Management—-pricing—-Regional economy—-statistics—-The economy of foreign countries—-The effectiveness of capital investments and new technology—-World Economy and International Economic Relations—GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES—-Aerospace Research of the Earth, photogrammetry—-Atmosphere and hydrosphere—-Biogeography and soils Geography—-Constructive geography and rational use of natural resources—-Economic, social and political geography—-Geodesy—-Geographical Cartography and Geoinformatics—-Geographical ecology—-Geomorphology and Evolutionary Geography—-Glaciology and Geocryology—-History of geography—-Hydrology of land, water resources, hydrochemistry—-Land administration, cadastre and land monitoring—-Meteorology, Climatology, Agrometeorology—-Nature protection and rational use of natural resources—-Oceanology—-Physical geography and biogeography, geography of soils and geochemistry landscape—Geological and Mineralogical Sciences—-Atmosphere and hydrosphere—-Biogeochemistry—-Construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines, depots and warehouses—-Economic geology—-Engineering geology, frozen and ground—-Environmental geology—-General and regional geology—-Geochemical methods of prospecting for mineral deposits—-Geochemistry—-Geodynamics—-Geological informatics—-Geology of the oceans and seas—-Geology, Prospecting and Exploration of metallic and nonmetallic deposits—-Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields—-Geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny—-Geology, solid minerals, Metallogeny—-Geology, the search of solid fuels—-Geomechanics, destruction of rocks, miner aerogasdynamics and mountain Thermal Physics—-Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits—-Geophysics—-Geotechnology (underground, open and construction)—-Geotectonics—-Hydrogeology—-Lithology—-Mineral—-Mineralogy, crystallography—-Mining and Oil and gas geology, geophysics and geometry of bowels—-Paleontology—-Solid Earth—-Technology and engineering exploration—-Technology of development of sea mineral deposits—-Technology of drilling and development wells—-Theoretical foundations of designing of mining systems—-Volcanology—HISTORY—-Anthropology—-archeology—-Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology—-ethnology—-General history—-Historiography and methods historically Studies—-Historiosophy—-History of art—-History of Science and Technology—-History of Ukraine—-Military history—-National History—-The history of international relations and foreign policy—-World History—HUMANITARIAN AND POLITICAL SAFETY—-Geopolitics—-Humanitarian and political safety of the state—-Regional safety of the state—INFORMATIVE SAFETY—-Informative safety of the state—INTERNATIONAL SAFETY—-Foreign states and their potentials—Jurisprudence—-Administrative law; administrative process—-advocacy—-Business Law; arbitration process—-Civil law; business law, family law—-Civil Procedure, the arbitration process—-Constitutional law; municipal law—-Criminal Law and Criminology; penal law—-Forensics; forensic activity; operational-search activity—-Information Law—-International law; European law—-Judiciary, public prosecutor\’s supervision, legal—-Labor law, social security law—-Management in social and economic systems—-Nature and resources law, agricultural law, environmental law—-Philosophy of Law—-Private international law—-Theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines—MEDICAL SCIENCE—-Anesthesiology and Intensive Care—-Aviation, space and maritime medicine—-cardiology—-Cardiovascular Surgery—-Chemotherapy and antibiotics—-Clinical allergology—-Clinical Laboratory Services—-Clinical medicine—-Clinical Pharmacology—-Cryomedicine—-Diseases of the ear, nose and throat—-endocrinology—-epidemiology—-Exercise therapy and sports medicine—-eye diseases—-forensic medicine—-Gastroenterology—-Gerontology and Geriatrics—-Hematology and Blood Transfusion—-Histology, Cytology, Embryology—-History of medicine—-hygiene—-Hygiene—-Immunology and Allergology—-infectious diseases—-internal Medicine—-Medical biochemistry—-Medical rehabilitation, physiotherapy and balneology—-morbid anatomy—-narcology—-nephrology—-Nerve disease—-neurosurgery—-Normal anatomy—-normal physiology—-Obstetrics and Gynaecology—-Occupational Medicine—-oncology—-Ophthalmology—-Otorhinolaryngology—-Pediatric Surgery—-pediatrics—-Pharmacology—-phthisiatry—-Physiopathology—-Preventative medicine—-psychiatry—-Public health and health care—-pulmonology—-Radiation diagnostics and radiotherapy—-Regenerative medicine, sports medicine—-rheumatology—-Skin and venereal diseases—-Social Medicine—-Sociology of medicine—-Space medicine—-Standardization and organization of production of medicines—-stomatology—-surgery—-toxicology—-Transplantation and artificial organs—-Traumatology and Orthopedics—-Urology and Andrology—MILITARY SAFETY—-Civil defensive—-Guard of state boundary—-Military safety of the state—MILITARY SCIENCE—-Defensive economy—-Military history—-Military theory of science—-Theory of fire—NATIONAL SAFETY—-Bases of national safety—-Bases of national safety of the state—-The economic security of business entities—PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES—-Correctional pedagogy (deaf pedagogy and typhlopedagogy, oligophrenic pedagogy and speech therapy)—-General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education—-Information and communication technologies in education—-Social Pedagogy—-Theory and methodology of education (in the areas and spheres of activity)—-Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physica—-Theory and methodology of vocational education—-Theory and Methods of Preschool Education—-Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing—-Theory and methods of teaching musical—-Theory and methods of the educational management—-Theory, methods and organization of cultural and educational activities—PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES—-Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy—-Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology—-Standardization and organization of the production of medicines—-Technology of medicines and organization of pharmaceutical business—Philology—-Classical Languages. separate Indo-European languages—-comparative Literature—-Comparative-historical and typological linguistics—-Crimean-Tatar literature—-Finno-Ugric and Samoyed languages—-Folklore—-Germanic languages—-History of Philosophy—-Ibero-Caucasian languages—-Indo-Iranian languages—-journalism—-Languages of the peoples of Asia, Africa, Aboriginal peoples of America and Australia—-Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation—-linguistics—-literary criticism—-Literary Source and textual—-Literature of the peoples of foreign countries—-Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation—-Literature of the Slavic peoples—-romance—-Russian language—-Russian literature—-Semitic languages—-Slavonic Languages—-Structural, applied and mathematical linguistics—-The Baltic Languages—-Theory of language—-theory of Literature—-Translation—-Turkic languages—-Ukrainian language—-Ukrainian literature—PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES—-aesthetics—-ethics—-History of Philosophy—-logic—-Ontology, epistemology, phenomenology—-Philosophy and History of Religion—-philosophy of Culture—-Philosophy of education—-Philosophy of Politics and Law—-philosophy of Religion—-Philosophy of Science and Technology—-Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, and the philosophy of culture—-Social and political philosophy—-Theory and History of Socialism—-Ukrainoznavstvo—PHYSICAL AND SPORTS OF EDUCATION—-Olympic and professional sports—-Physical culture, physical education of different population groups—-Physical Rehabilitation—Physics and mathematics—-acoustics—-Algebra and Number Theory—-Astrometry and celestial mechanics—-Astronomy—-Astrophysics, Radio Astronomy—-biomechanics—-Calculus of variations and optimal control theory—-Chemical physics, combustion and explosion—-Computational Mathematics—-Condensed Matter Physics—-Cryogenics—-Crystallography, crystal physics—-differential Equations—-Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics—-Dynamics, strength machines, devices and equipment—-Fluid, gas and plasma—-Geometry and Topology—-Heliophysics and physics of the solar system—-magnetism—-Matematycheskaya Logic, theory of computation and discrete mathematics—-Mathematical analysis—-Mathematical and software of computers and systems—-Mathematical Physics—-mathematics—-mechanics—-Mechanics of deformable solids—-Nuclear physics, elementary particles and high energy—-Optics, laser physics—-physical Electronics—-physics—-Physics and chemistry of surfaces—-Physics of beams of charged particles—-Physics of devices, components and systems—-Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics—-planetary research—-plasma Physics—-polymer physics—-Probability theory and mathematical statistics—-Radiation Physics and Nuclear Safety—-Radiophysics—-Real, complex and functional analysis—-Solid State Physics—-System analysis and theory of optimal solutions—-The Physics of Metals—-Theoretical Fundamentals of Cybernetics—-theoretical Mechanics—-theoretical physics—-Thermophysics and molecular physics—POLITICAL SCIENCE—-National political processes and technologies—-Political Culture and Ideology—-Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes—-Political problems of international relations and global development—-Theory of politics, history and methodology of political science—-Этнополитология—PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE—-correctional psychology—-Development Psychology—-Differential psychology, psycho-diagnostics—-General psychology, personality psychology, psychology history—-Legal psychology—-medicopsychology—-Pedagogical and development psychology—-personality Psychology—-political Psychology—-Psychology of Labour in special circumstances—-Psychology of work, engineering psychology, ergonomics—-psychophysiology—-Social psychology, psychology of social work—-Special psychology—PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION—-local government—-Public administration—-public administration—-Public administration in education—-Public administration in the health sector—-Public administration in the national security—-Public Policy and Management—-Public service—-Regional Management—-Social development management—-The mechanisms of public administration—-Theory and History of Public Administration—SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS—-Application of social and communication technologies—-Book Science, Library Science, Bibliography—-Documentation, Archives—-Social Informatics—-Theory and history of journalism—-Theory and History of Publishing and Editing—-Theory and History of Social Communications—SOCIOLOGICAL SCIENCE—-Economic Sociology and Demography—-Methodology and Methods of Social Research—-political Sociology—-Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes—-Sociology of culture, spiritual life—-Sociology of Management—-Special and sectorial sociology—-Theory, Methodology and History of Sociology—STATE SECURITY OF UKRAINE—-Official-battle activity of forces of guard of law and order—-Operative-search activity—-Providing of state security of Ukraine—-Reconnaissance activity of organs of state security—-Shots of organs and troops of state security—TECHNICAL SCIENCES—-acoustic devices—-Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics of aircraft—-Aerospace simulators—-Antenna and microwave technology unit—-Apparatus and methods for measuring mechanical quantities—-Apparatus and methods for measuring thermal quantities—-Applied geometry, engineering graphics and ergonomics—-Atomic reactor engineering, machines, aggregates and technology of nuclear materials—-Automated control systems and progressive information technologies—-Automation of management processes—-Automation systems design work—-Biotechnology Food and biological active substances—-Building materials and products—-Building structures and buildings—-Cars and tractors—-Chemical technology of fuels and high-energy substances—-Commodity Food—-Commodity research of non-food products—-Computer science, computing and automation—-Computers, Systems, and Networks—-Construction technology and organization—-Converting renewable energy—-Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels—-Design and construction of ships—-Design of aircraft—-Development of oil and gas fields—-devices—-Devices for measuring ionizing radiation—-Diagnosis of materials and structures—-Documentary information—-Drilling of boreholes—-Dynamics and strength of machines—-Dynamics, ballistics and traffic management of aircraft—-Electric—-Electrical complexes and systems—-Electrical Engineering—-Electrical machinery and apparatus—-Electrical Materials And Products—-Electroacoustics and sound technicians—-Electrochemical process technology and corrosion protection—-electronics—-Electrotechnologies and electrical equipment in the agro-industrial complex—-Electrotechnology—-Elements and devices of computer facilities and control systems—-Engineering geometry and computer graphics—-Engineering Science, Drive Systems and Machine Parts—-Engines and power plants—-Exploration work—-Ferrous metals—-Fire and industrial safety—-Fishing products marine and freshwater reservoirs—-Food Technology—-Foundations of information science—-Foundry—-Friction and wear in machines—-Fundamentals and foundations—-Fur and Leather Technology—-geodesy—-Geotechnical and mining mechanics—-Ground complexes, launching equipment, aircraft operation—-Gyroscopes and navigation systems—-heat Engines—-Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and illumination—-High Voltage Engineering—-History of Science and Technology—-Hydraulic engineering—-Hydraulic Machines and gidropnevmoagregaty—-Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology—-Industrial Heat and Power Engineering—-industrial Vehicles—-Information technology—-Information-measuring systems—-Innovative Technology In The Aerospace Activity—-Instrum-s and meth-s of monit-g and deter-g the composition of subst-s—-Instrumentation technology—-Instruments and methods for measuring electrical and magnetic quantities—-labor protection—-Light and light sources—-Machine oil and gas industry—-Machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production—-Machines and processes for forest industry—-Machines and processes for printing production—-Machines for excavation and road works—-Machines for metallurgical production—-Machines for the production of building materials and structures—-Machines, units and processes—-Machining processes, machines and tools—-Maintenance and repair of transportation—-Management in social and economic systems—-Managing transportation processes—-Materials Science—-Materials technologies and products textile and light industry—-Mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks—-Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs—-Mechanical Engineering Technology—-Mechanics of soils and rocks—-Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics—-Medical devices, systems and products—-Membranes and membrane technology—-Metal Forming—-metallurgy—-Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals and alloys—-Metallurgy technological and secondary resources—-Metrology and metrological support—-Mine and underground construction—-Mine Surveying—-Mineral—-Mining machines—-Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (by industry)—-Navigation—-Navigation and air traffic control—-Navigation and motion control—-Non-Ferrous Metallurgy—-Nuclear power plants, including design, operation and decommissioning—-Oil and gas pipelines, storage facilities and—-Open mining—-Optical and optoelectronic devices and complexes—-optoelectronic systems—-Organization of production (by industry)—-Photogrammetry and cartography—-Physical fields of a ship, ocean, atmosphere and their interaction—-Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials—-Power Electronics—-Power systems and complexes—-Process automation—-Processes and equipment of chemical technology—-Processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries—-Processes and machines for pressure—-Processes and production equipment—-Project management and development of production—-Quality monitoring and diagnostics in mechanical engineering—-quantum Electronics—-Radar and radio navigation—-Radio engineering and communication—-Radio engineering and television systems—-Radio engineering devices and means of telecommunications—-Radio Equipment—-railroad—-Refrigeration and Cryogenic equipment, air conditioning systems—-Remote aerospace research—-Road, building and hoisting-and-transport machines—-Roads and Airfields—-Robots, Mechatronics and Robotic Systems—-Rolling stock of railways and trains pull—-Safety in emergencies (on branches)—-Ship Power Plants—-Ship theory and structural mechanics—-Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology—-Solid-state electronics, radio electronic components, micro- and nanoelectronics, devices based on q—-Standardization and Certification—-Standardization and Certification—-structural mechanics—-System analysis, management and information processing—-Systems and artificial intelligence—-Systems and Control Processes—-Technical Electrochemistry—-Technical ethics—-Technologies and means of agricultural mechanization—-Technology and equipment for mechanical and physicotechnical processing—-Technology and equipment for the production of semiconductors, materials and electronic devices—-Technology canned foods—-Technology fibers—-Technology grains, legumes, cereal products and animal feed—-Technology of fats, essence and perfumery-cosmetic products—-Technology of fermentation products—-Technology of garments—-Technology of inorganic substances—-Technology of meat, dairy and fish products—-Technology of Organic Synthesis—-Technology of polymeric and composite materials—-Technology of rare, scattered, and radioactive elements—-Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials—-Technology strong electric and magnetic fields—-Technology sugars—-Technology, equipment and production of electronic equipment—-Technology, machinery and equipment for logging, forestry, wood processing and chemical processing o—-Telecommunication systems and networks—-Testing of aircrafts and their systems—-The strength of aircraft—-The technology of baking products and food concentrates—-Theoretical Electrical Engineering—-Thermal and nuclear power plants—-Thermal power plants, their power systems and units—-Thermophysics and Theoretical Heat Engineering—-transport—-transportation Systems—-Turbine—-Underground mining—-Urban planning and land use planning—-Vacuum and compressor equipment—-Vacuum Plasma and Quantum Electronics—-Water purification technology—-Water, sanitation—-Waterways and hydrography—-Welding and Related Technologies—-Wheeled and tracked vehicles—TECHNOGENIC SAFETY—-Ecological safety—-Fire safety—VETERINARY SCIENCE—-Care of animals and veterinary sanitation—-Diagnostics of diseases and therapy of animals, pathology, oncology and morphology of animals—-entomology—-Farriery—-History of veterinary Medicine—-Parasitology, helminthology—-Pathology, oncology and morphology of animals—-Veterinarian Obstetrics—-Veterinary and sanitary examination—-Veterinary epizootiology, Mycology and Immunology—-Veterinary Microbiology and Virology—-Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology—-Veterinary Sanitation, Environment, zoohygiene
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«ВОЛМА-Гипс-Актив Экстра» — штукатурка машинного нанесения, трещиностойкая, не требующая шпаклевания. Идеально подходит для сложных оснований (пеногазобетон).
Область применения:
Для высококачественного оштукатуривания стен и потолков рекомендованным слоем 5-30 мм (максимально 60 мм) под оклейку обоями, покраску и облицовку керамической плиткой. Применяется внутри помещений с нормальной относительной влажностью и температурой от +5 °С до +30 °С. Для оснований с повышенной впитываемостью. При соблюдении технологии применения дает глянцевую поверхность, не требующую дополнительного шпатлевания. Для машинного нанесения.
Гладкие слабовпитывающие основания рекомендуется обработать грунтовкой, придающей шероховатости. Сильновпитывающие – грунтовкой глубокого проникновения.
Основание должно быть сухим, прочным, очищенным от пыли,
Читать далее
«ВОЛМА-Гипс-Актив Экстра» — штукатурка машинного нанесения, трещиностойкая, не требующая шпаклевания. Идеально подходит для сложных оснований (пеногазобетон).
Область применения:
Для высококачественного оштукатуривания стен и потолков рекомендованным слоем 5-30 мм (максимально 60 мм) под оклейку обоями, покраску и облицовку керамической плиткой. Применяется внутри помещений с нормальной относительной влажностью и температурой от +5 °С до +30 °С. Для оснований с повышенной впитываемостью. При соблюдении технологии применения дает глянцевую поверхность, не требующую дополнительного шпатлевания. Для машинного нанесения.
Гладкие слабовпитывающие основания рекомендуется обработать грунтовкой, придающей шероховатости. Сильновпитывающие – грунтовкой глубокого проникновения.
Основание должно быть сухим, прочным, очищенным от пыли, грязи, масляных пятен и отслоений. Большие неровности устранить. Обработать металлические элементы средством, предотвращающим коррозию. Максимально допустимая влажность 5%. Основание должно быть не промерзшим, температура основания не менее +5°С.
Требования к штукатурным основаниям:
Поверхность очистить от грязи, пыли и отслоений, с бетона удалить остатки опалубочной смазки. Устранить большие неровности, металлические элементы защитить от коррозии. Нанести грунтовку, соответствующую типу поверхности.
При оштукатуривании по направляющим угловой штукатурный профиль прикрепить с помощью штукатурного раствора «ВОЛМА-Гипс-Актив Экстра» или монтажного клея «ВОЛМА-Монтаж» для получения ровной поверхности. Раствор нанести на поверхность и внутреннюю сторону углового профиля, а профили прижать к основанию, начиная от центра к краям.
Что такое пенобетон? | Итого Бетон
Мы понимаем бремя транспортировки большого количества бетона. Конечно, традиционный бетон прочен, эластичен и долговечен, но он также тяжелый. Вот почему вы должны знать о пенобетоне, альтернативной бетонной смеси, которая идеально сочетает прочность и вес. В отличие от традиционного бетона, пенобетон смешивается с пеной для создания легкого, но прочного продукта с низкой плотностью. И это только начало его многих, многих качеств.
В этой статье мы раскрываем секрет легкого бетона. Эта статья расскажет вам все, что вам нужно знать, в том числе о его свойствах, преимуществах и использовании.
Что такое пенобетон?
Пенобетон, также известный как аэробетон, представляет собой тип легкого бетона, обычно изготавливаемый путем смешивания воды, цемента и пены. Также можно добавить песок, чтобы сделать смесь более прочной. Различные компоненты, добавляемые в смесь, определяют прочность и долговечность бетона. Легкий пенобетон также может быть изготовлен с использованием портландцемента, известняка и/или пылевидной золы-уноса.
Пена — это лишь один из многих видов альтернативных бетонных смесей. В Total Concrete мы можем создать идеальную смесь в соответствии с вашими потребностями.
Каковы свойства пенобетона
При использовании пены в бетонной смеси продукт обладает всеми следующими свойствами
Низкая плотность
Высокое соотношение прочности и веса
Чем полезен пенобетон?
Уникальные свойства пенобетона
делают его идеальным для проектов, где требуется большое количество бетона. Его малый вес означает, что для перемещения бетона между участками требуется меньше энергии и труда. Он также популярен, потому что он нетоксичен, что делает его экологически чистым строительным материалом.
Некоторые области применения пенобетона включают:
Панели и блоки для стен
Плановое и аварийное заполнение пустот
Изоляция крыши
Мостовидные опоры и ремонт
Восстановление траншеи
Чем вам может помочь пенобетон?
Как упоминалось ранее, пенобетон отлично подходит для тех случаев, когда вам нужно транспортировать бетон между локациями. Но пенобетон может помочь и во многих других отношениях. Смесь имеет множество преимуществ по сравнению с традиционным бетоном, в том числе:
Самовыравнивающийся, что упрощает установку
Сокращает потребность в рабочей силе и снижает затраты
Он универсальный, что делает его пригодным для различных применений
Он также обеспечивает изоляцию, звукоизоляцию и огнестойкость, что делает его отличным строительным материалом.
Где взять пенобетон?
Бытовые и коммерческие клиенты в Гилфорде, Суррее, Беркшире и прилегающих районах могут быстро заказать пенобетон с доставкой Total Concrete. Наш процесс заказа бетона прост, и мы предлагаем быстрые обороты и надежную доставку.
Пенобетон — это только одна из бетонных смесей, которые мы предлагаем в Total Concrete. Мы адаптируем нашу смесь к вашим конкретным потребностям на нашем бетонном заводе, аккредитованном QSRMC, гарантируя, что вы получите высококачественный бетон, который подходит именно вам. Мы специализируемся на микшировании на месте, чтобы не было беспорядка, суеты и риска избыточного заказа.
Получите максимальную отдачу от затраченных средств с Total Concrete. Свяжитесь с нами сегодня, чтобы разместить заказ или получить дополнительную информацию.
Пенобетон: производство, преимущества и недостатки
Пенобетон – это разновидность легкого бетона. Плотность бетона можно уменьшить введением в затвердевшее цементное тесто устойчивых пустот. Пустоты могут быть введены воздухом или газом. В этот бетон пенообразователь вводит воздух, поэтому его называют пенобетоном.
Пенобетон обычно имеет низкую плотность в диапазоне от 300 до 1600 кг/куб.м, что способствует снижению статической нагрузки конструкции.
Прочность пенобетона на сжатие составляет от 0,2 до 18 МПа.
Текстурная поверхность и моноструктурные ячейки делают его широко используемым в области теплоизоляции, звукопоглощения и огнестойкости.
Его также называют бетоном низкой плотности или самоуплотняющимся бетоном.
Сырье, используемое в производстве пенобетона
Опалубочный бетон производится с использованием цемента, песка или золы-уноса, воды и пенообразователя.
Пенообразователь может быть натуральным или синтетическим.
Дубильные экстракты кожевенной промышленности, мыльный щелок, сульфитный щелок являются некоторыми природными пенообразователями.
Натуральные пенообразователи обладают различными свойствами. Таким образом, можно производить синтетические пенообразователи с требуемыми свойствами.
Процесс производства пенобетона
Цемент, песок и вода смешиваются вместе, а раствор хранится в буферном резервуаре. Его следует постоянно помешивать, чтобы избежать расслоения.
Пенообразователь и вода смешиваются отдельно в специализированном оборудовании для производства пены. Сжатый воздух подается в зависимости от необходимого количества пены.
Эту пену затем вводят в раствор для изготовления пенобетона. Эти растворы на цементной основе содержат не менее 20% пены.
Преимущества пенобетона
Обладает легким весом. Он создает небольшую вертикальную нагрузку на окружающую подконструкцию.
Обладает низкой теплопроводностью и хорошими звукоизоляционными свойствами, которых нет у обычного бетона.
Обладает отличной морозостойкостью и устойчивостью к оттаиванию.
Пенобетон представляет собой сыпучий бетон и может укладываться без уплотнения.